Fix for mobile Qwidget errors

Some observant service providers discovered that on many library websites, the Qwidget does not display properly to users who are accessing AskAway via mobile devices using their mobile data plans. (Wifi displays OK.)

Happily, we have a fix for the problem. In October, QuestionPoint provided us with updated Qwidget code that has not yet been made official, to fix the display problem on ProQuest and a few other sites. We’ve discovered that using the updated code fixes the mobile problem as well. 

If you have not already implemented the new code, there’s a simple way to do so.

Simplest way to update Qwidget code: 

If you’re using the current Version 4 Qwidget (which looks like this), you need only change three pieces of the code on each page where the Qwidget resides:

If you’re using the old Qwidget, you should generate the Version 4 code from the Create Qwidget screen, make the above edit, and then copy and paste into all your Qwidget locales.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

- Brandon