AskAway Blog

Framebusters Alert

Normally when a service provider sends a link to an AskAway user, using the full-screen interface, the linked page open up automatically for the user. Framebusting pages are pages that will not open in another site (e.g. QuestionPoint)'s frame. This is relevant to AskAway patrons who use the full-screen interface, but not Qwidget users. More info on the full-screen interface and Qwidget, and how to determine which way a patron is accessing AskAway here.

Administrative Centre Report, Dec. 1, 2012 - Mar. 31, 2013

Below is a link to AskAway's latest Administrative Centre report. This is the first to come out since we adopted a new streamlined approach to reporting; the Administrative Centre will produce these reports twice a year now, instead of for every Advisory Committee meeting.

The latest Administrative Centre report
Administrative Centre reports archive

April, Spring Term and Annual Update

Annual and Spring term (including April) AskAway stats are now available on the AskAway site:
April form fields statistics are available on the AskAway site:
April's exit survey results are also available on the AskAway site:

February Statistics and User Feedback

February AskAway stats are now available on the AskAway site:

February form fields statistics are available on the AskAway site:
For 66% of February AskAway survey respondents, AskAway was the first library service they turned to, after trying to find information on their own. 6% of students stated that this was their first time using any library service.

To Log Out or Not to Log Out?

Here are a couple of tips related to logging out of QuestionPoint in different situations.

Situation #1: it's the end of your shift, but you would like to finish up one of your questions. You don't want to pick up any new sessions, or appear to be available for new sessions. Is there a way to log out of the queues without disconnecting with the patron you are helping?
Yes! It's quick and easy to de-select the queues while staying connected to your patron.
