AskAway Blog

New Study on Accuracy in Chat Reference

This article, published in January, may be of interest:
Radford, M. L. & Connaway, L. S. (2013). Not dead yet! A longitudinal
study of query type and ready reference accuracy in live chat and IM
reference. Library & Information Science Research 35(1), 2-13.
Brief Description:
Longitudinal results compare 2004-2006 transcript sample to 2010 sample
and show that ready reference questions are holding at about 30% of all VR
questions (!) and that accuracy has made a significant rise to approx. 90%

January 2013 Statistics and User Feedback

January AskAway stats are now available on the AskAway site:

January form fields statistics are available on the AskAway site:

In January 2013, 58% of AskAway survey respondents identified themselves as first-time AskAway users, up from 51% in January 2012, and a great way to start the new term!

Comments, Questions, Technical Issues? Please let us know

Find a technical problem? Have a question about AskAway procedures? Comments, questions, or suggestions you would like to share? This blog entry gives examples of who to contact with different information or questions. Most importantly, though, please do contact us! If you're not sure who to contact, no worries - your institution's AskAway coordinator or the Admin Centre are two points of contact that can help direct you with who to contact if you are unsure.

All About the All Tab

General Info
The All tab is a tab in QuestionPoint that allows service providers to:

  1. See a list of questions all other service providers are working on
  2. Join other service providers' calls in conference mode

Below is a screen shot of where the All tab is located. The number in brackets indicates the total number of calls that other service providers have.


End of Shift Tips

General Tips
Log Out Correctly
Log out of QuestionPoint by clicking the "Exit" link in the top right corner. Please don't just close the window: it will appear you are still staffing AskAway. but not picking up calls!
If Possible, Wait for New Service Providers

Douglas College Trial Queue

We wanted to share some important information about a new AskAway trial beginning January 21, 2013. Please note that during this trial, we are asking all service providers to slightly modify the way they sign in to QuestionPoint. See “Trial Guidelines for all Service Providers” (below) for more details.
