AskAway Blog

UBC Library: Accessing Online Resources Off-Campus

Many Users (Students, Faculty, and others) are accessing the Library’s online resources for the first time. If you get general questions from new Users, please direct them to read this: If you get specific questions about access, please direct Users to our Help Form:

SFU Library: AskAway embedded in Canvas (LMS) courses this Fall

You may have noticed an uptick in questions coming through the SFU queue related to Canvas issues since a Research Help link is now available in all Canvas courses. To assist AskAway service providers who answer these questions, Canvas help has been added to the Help section of the SFU Policy Page.

Tips for working smoothly with patrons who come and go

As we continue to adjust to new workflows in LibraryH3lp, and as the service became increasingly busy this fall, there have been several questions about how to work with patrons who come and go from the chat.

There are 3 new FAQs available that address different types of patron behaviour and provide tips and best practices for providing the best possible experience for AskAway visitors.
