AskAway Blog

Chat Acronyms and Abbreviations

Welcome, AskAwayers, to a new Fall term of virtual reference! Once again we'll have a new crop of students, and a new harvest of questions and chats.

New students are more and more accustomed to the chat and text environment, and they are increasingly likely to treat virtual reference like they do any other online interaction. This means employing a lot of informal language, including an ever-increasing vocabulary of acronyms and abbreviations.

Reminder: Please log in for summer shifts

It's summertime! And while the beach may be calling and tempting you to forget about the library, we would like to remind you of the importance of logging in for your AskAway shifts.

AskAway is minimally staffed over the summer, so missing a shift can seriously affect your fellow service providers.

Please take a moment to check the schedule, and make sure you know when you are expected on the service.

If you do find yourself alone on a shift, here are some steps you can take to get some assistance:

AskAway: QuestionPoint Software License To Be Renewed

Hi All,

Please see Todd's announcement below about the recent AskAway software evaluation process:


On behalf of the AskAway Advisory Committee, I am pleased to announce that  on August 1, 2013 we will be renewing the license with OCLC QuestionPoint to provide virtual reference (VR) software for the AskAway service for another 3 years.

The Advisory Committee would like to extend thanks to all those AskAwayers who participated in the software evaluation process.

Software Evaluation Process

QuestionPoint All Tab Display Issues

We are currently investigating some issues with the QuestionPoint All Tab displaying an inaccurate count of the active questions for some service providers.  This tab usually displays all questions the other service providers are working on and also allows you to join a question in conference mode to assist a colleague.

Which pages do your patrons use most to access AskAway?

Where do learners ask for help? What pages are used most to connect with AskAway?

You can use the Form Fields statistics, available on the Statistics page of the Portal, to determine which pages from your institution are most often used to connect with AskAway. These include both Qwidgets and the full screen interface.

Qwidget & Full Interface Update
