Ideas for Promoting AskAway

Online Promotion

  • Place the chat widget on library webpages and databases
  • Add chat to LibGuides
  • Add the chat widget to learning management systems
  • Promote via social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
  • Tips of the day when students login on campus
  • Screencast / video about service
  • Reminder in My Library Account page
  • Include AskAway hours and link in out of office message
  • Promote via digital signage

Print Promotion

  • Give away bookmarks
  • Post posters, flyers, fact sheets
  • Wall signage in libraries, computer labs, study areas
  • Sign on reference desk when its closed
  • Signs on computer monitors in library and department computer labs
  • Promote on library check-out receipts
  • Add promos to existing library handouts and subject guides
  • Ad in free student agendas, orientation materials
  • Student newspapers and newsletters
  • Hand out flyers, bookmarks, magnets at student organizations and clubs

Word of Mouth Promotion

  • Prep circulation and reference staff to promote
  • Target promotion when reference desk is closed, on weekends, etc.
  • Promote at end of AskAway chat sessions - tell your friends!
  • Reciprocal promotion with campus Writing Centre or Learning Commons
  • Promote on campus radio station
  • Promote in orientation tours of the campus

Promoting to Instructors

  • Market to instructors via internal communications - newsletter, email, etc.
  • Instructors do in-class demos to students
    • Note: For in-class demos, only one person (e.g., the instructor) should demo the service, while students should be encouraged to use AskAway later to get help. If everyone in class comes in with a question at the same time, the service will be swamped. Additionally, remind instructors demoing AskAway to include a greeting message like "Hello, stopping by with my class to try out AskAway!" rather than asking a sincere reference question.
  • Instructors add it to their course outlines or assignments
  • Instructors require students to use AskAway as part of assignment - students attach printout of transcripts as proof   

Live Demos

Note: For in-class demos, only one person (e.g., the instructor) should demo the service, while students should be encouraged to use AskAway later to get help. If everyone in class comes in with a question at the same time, the service will be swamped. Additionally, remind instructors demoing AskAway to include a greeting message like "Hello, stopping by with my class to try out AskAway!" rather than asking a sincere reference question.

  • Laptop demos in high-traffic areas and library - interactive kiosk
  • Mention or demo in library research classes or workshops
  • Mention in library tours for new students
  • Demos in the common areas of dorms
  • Peer to peer demos by students

General Promotion

  • Use words "help" or "information" rather than reference
  • List sample questions - let them know what to expect and what's expected of them
  • Use words like Live, Chat, Real-time, Standing-by, Search together, Search expert, to emphasize that it's a real person, not a search engine or database