Shift Checklist

Tools for your Shift

  • LibraryH3lp (the software we use to chat with patrons; Chrome or Firefox is recommended)
  • Campfire (communicate with your colleagues during your shift!)
  • Policy Pages (quick links and ready reference information for all participating AskAway libraries)
  • Guest Logins
  • Current Chats

Having trouble logging in? Contact the Admin Centre or your local coordinator.

Shift Checklist

Getting Started

  1. Log in 5 minutes early to LibraryH3lp and Campfire to ease the shift changeover with your colleagues and provide uninterrupted service to patrons
  2. In LibraryH3lp, select both the askaway queue, your institutional queue, and if applicable your library's proactive chat queue
  3. Click Connect Now to enter the webclient
  4. Open the Current Chats tool in a separate tab to keep an eye on who's staffing and how many active calls they have
    • Note: In LibraryH3lp, you will not see new calls that are waiting to be picked up that came in before you logged in, so your colleagues may have new calls to transfer to you
  5. Ask in Campfire if there are any transfers you can take from your colleagues
  6. Await your first patron in LibraryH3lp ...


Need to transfer a patron at the end of your shift? Coordinate in Campfire and use the Transfer button in LibraryH3lp to transfer to another servcie provider.


Want to wrap-up questions after your shift ends or after the service closes for the day? Set your status to Busy to close the service or appear unavailable (the service closes when all service providers set themselves to Busy).

At the end of your shift, remember to Logout. Closing the browser window does not log you out of LibraryH3lp!

Contact the AskAway Coordinator immediately via email or telephone with emergency logout issues at closing.

Browser Compatibility for LibraryH3lp

We recommend using Chrome or Firefox to staff AskAway, as Safari can disconnect the user if the webclient tab is minimized and sound notifications may not work in Safari. The LibraryH3lp webclient for staffing is tested and works with Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer 11.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If one browser isn't working, try another!
  • Clear the cache and/or cookies on your browser. This step may not always be necessary but may help resolve technical issues.
  • If you are still having trouble launching and working in LibraryH3lp, please contact the Admin Centre.